岐阜県発 男女ツインボーカルマスロックバンド「arne」(アルネ)
The cabsや宇宙コンビニ、American Football等に影響を受けた彼らは、ニッチなジャンルであるマス(数学的)ロックを、Gt/Vo.ワオシュンの描く小説の一部を切り取ったような世界観や叙情的な旋律を用いて独自に噛み砕く。Vo/Gt.ひらめの透き通った儚い声、緊張が漂う変則的なリズムにダイナミックな展開を持ち合わせ、キャッチーさを失わない。
2019年9月に1st Single『Æter/hallu』をリリース。収録曲『hallu』のミュージックビデオは、公開から1ヶ月経たず1万回再生を超える。また、TUNECOREにてpick upアーティストに、MASH HUNT にて12月のMASH PUSH!にも選出。
2020年3月、2nd Single『epilogue/fractal』を発表。7月にはAWAのCMタイアップ収録曲『epilogue』が起用される。さらに8月、3rd Single『chronicle』、1st EP『cubic』をタワーレコード店舗限定流通にてリリース。12月にはSEKAI NO OWARI 、Official髭男dism等の音楽プロデュース、アレンジを手掛ける保本真吾氏の企画、EnjoyMusicへ参加。企画内コンピアルバムにて保本氏、シナリオアートのハットリクミコ氏とのコラボ楽曲『hailsham』リリース。2021年6月テレビ朝日系列全国放送「musicるTV」にて紹介。
2021年9月、arne自主制作となる4枚目のSingle『遡行』をリリース、先行販売分100枚は予約時で即完売となった。2021年10月よりサブスクアプリAWAにて音声配信「LOUNGE」の公式配信アーティストに抜擢。毎週月曜日20時から配信の「arnight」(あるないと)は2022年1月のラジオ配信ラウンジランキングでは40組以上の中から7位にランクイン。2022年5月時点でのYoutubeの総再生回数35万回、Youtube Official Artist Channel公認アーティストに認定。現在、最も注目すべき令和のマスロックバンドである。
Launched on August 27, 2019.
arne consists of Vo/Gt. Hirame, Gt/Vo. Waoshun, Ba. Kotaro Tanabe, and Dr. Takano.
Influenced by The cabs, Utyu-Conveni, American Football, etc ... they take the niche genre of math (mathematical) rock and break it down into their own unique style using a worldview and lyrical melodies that seem to have been cut out of the novels written by Wao Shun. The clear and fragile voice, the tension-infused irregular rhythms with dynamism, never loses its catchiness.
They are the only ones who can create new math-rock music of today. We are actively involved in various forms of expression, including self-produced music videos and design, without being bound by any particular method.
The first single "Æter/hallu" was released in September 2019. The music video for the song "hallu" has received over 10,000 views in less than a month since its release. They were also selected as a pick up artist by TUNECORE and MASH PUSH! for December by MASH HUNT.In March 2020, they released their 2nd single "epilogue/fractal", and in July, their song "epilogue" was used in an AWA commercial tie-up. In August, they released their third single "chronicle" and first EP "cubic" through limited distribution at Tower Records stores.In December of the same year, the band participated in EnjoyMusic, a project by Shingo Yasumoto, who has produced and arranged music for SEKAI NO OWARI, Official Hige Dan dism, and others. He released "hailsham," a collaboration with Mr.Yasumoto and Kumiko Hattori of Scenario Art, on a compilation album within the project.Introduced in June 2021 on TV Asahi's nationally broadcast "music TV".
In September 2021, We released his fourth single "Soko", which was produced independently by arne, and 100 copies of the advance sales were sold out immediately upon reservation. “arnight" , which is distributed every Monday at 8pm, ranked 7th out of more than 40 groups in the radio distribution lounge ranking in January 2022.As of May 2022, We have 350,000 total views on Youtube and is certified as an official artist of Youtube Official Artist Channel. We are currently the most notable mathrock band from 2022.